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Sound branch is a free voice messaging app that revolutionizes communication in 10 second sound bites. This unique, direct form of communication allows you to make connections, follow conversations that matter and add your voice.

Async Podcast
Creation With
Voice Notes
People love audio. Enhance your internal communication, learning and employee engagement with podcasts for work.
Creating culture remotely needs excellent communication. Async Audio on Sound Branch takes your communication to new levels.

Connect Essential Apps
With Sound Branch

Connect your tools and apps with Sound Branch so your team can stay connected, work faster and keep conversations in one place. We’ve picked some of the most popular and useful apps to get you off to a running start.
Start Podcasting Now
Lots of time spent in the car is dead time and can be spent more productively. Spend your time wisely by listening to podcasts. Use podcasts to interact with your staff during their natural downtime, allow them to get the most information by letting them access it around their own schedule.
Recording podcasts no longer means having to invite guests into a studio to interview them with expensive equipment. Use Sound Branch to record remotely with guests to fit everyones schedule, using your phone or computer to create a podcast.
Download Sound Branch Mobile Apps