Voice Messaging App Reinvents The Telephone Interview

The Traditional Approach

A traditional interview process involves an applicant applying directly to a job via a job board or an agency.

These candidates are then filtered first by review of the CV and then by telephone interview before face to face interviews are arranged.

What if you combined the CV and the telephone interview?

How much quicker would it be to filter candidates and what efficiencies could be achieved?

This is where voice messaging app such as Sound Branch comes in. Candidates create a Sound Branch profile by downloading the voice notes app for iOS or Android.

Users can then register for their profile with 1 click sign in via Google, Facebook or Twitter and start recording an audio profile.

Audio profiles include a person’s education, skills, work experience and other interests. Instead of a soulless CV with no personality, the audio profile humanises the CV and brings it to life.

For The Candidate

The candidate has an opportunity to pitch to recruiters and companies who they would not ordinarily be about to reach. For the HR and talent management team, this is a more compelling way of filtering out candidates on fit, attitude and relevancy of experience.

For The Recruiter

One of the biggest challenges for a traditional recruiter is that the best time to call candidates is not during the working day which can lead to anti-sociable working hours.

Using Sound Branch for recruitment and job hunting is a new and different way of re-imagining the recruitment process.

You can tell a lot about someone from their LinkedIn profile picture but you can learn a lot more by listening to their voice. Voice messaging for recruiters means less anti-social timings for telephone interviews and an overall better experience for the candidate.




Sound Branch What next?

Private groups have now been launched in Sound Branch which alleviate concerns around privacy settings (after all, most people don’t do public speaking!) and benefit all users. Due to popular demand, we are also creating functionality for one-to-one messaging, as a number of private groups were being created solely for this purpose.

In the New Year, branches will also be able to search the audio clips, not just through the title tags, but through the audio messages themselves. Sound Branch has teamed up with Google Voice API to translate speech sound bites into text, which will then be searchable for all users.

Thanks to Amazon Echo, one of the coolest new features you can use in Sound Branch is Alexa, which is similar to Siri on an iPhone. Alexa allows users to complete a series of voice-activated commands, and can do anything from play 1 of 40 million songs from Amazon music, to telling you what the traffic to work is going to be like. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Amazon Echo – it is a voice-activated tube which can be placed anywhere in your home. The Alexa app connects to the Amazon Echo via your smartphone, and can be customised to learn new ‘skills’, which are similar to apps on a smartphone. Skills such as Sky News, Spotify, and more can be added, and we are currently developing Sound Branch Skills for Amazon Alexa, which will allow you to control and access Branch via your Amazon Echo device. We have similar plans in the works for the Google Home competing device.

We’ll also be making further usability improvements to Sound Branch by including the ‘listened to’ feature, which will allow you to see what sound bites you have listened to, and the ones you haven’t got around to listening to yet. We are revamping the way in which seeds and branches work, so the usability is improved.

Finally, we are creating a business console so that organisations can provision professional Sound Branch applications to employees. This will allow businesses to take advantage of all the same brand functionality, but within their own domain and with all the necessary security and privacy levels managed. Therefore if a member of staff were to leave the organisation, the administrators could revoke access to Sound Branch.

All in all the next version of Sound Branch will be secure and easy-to-use. We have listened to our users on Sound Branch and are taking on their feedback!

Word of Mouth Marketing in a Digital World

All digital marketing departments have a suite of products to help them do their job. Whether it’s Tweepi to mass follow and unfollow people on Twitter; Google analytics to measure the return on investment of particular marketing channels and goals performance; HootSuite for managing social media; Hubspot for inbound marketing or Buffer for scheduling tweets on Twitter.

Not to mention the collection of social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn all of which have organic free tools and paid for advertised options.

Being a digital marketing manager, for alignment I’m working closely with the salesforce who are closest to our customers. I’m engaged with the product team to ensure I know what’s coming next in the programme and working closely with the salesforce who are closest to our customers. I’m engaged with the product team to ensure I know what’s coming next in the product roadmap. What tools am I missing?

A poor workman always blames his tools. However, we also know that an electric screwdriver is a lot quicker than its traditional manual predecessor. Yes, you can beat somebody at tennis with a wooden tennis racket but it’s much more comfortable to use carbon fibre. You might see where am I going with this.

What I think you’re missing is the hybrid of the customer phone call interactions cross between the massive market appeal and digital disruption which is social media.

Sound Branch does just that. It combines the trustworthiness of the voice and it’s a motion with the power of social media to create a different engagement tool for customers and brands.

I could recommend a restaurant to you on Twitter or Facebook using text. Or I could use my voice notes on Sound Branch.

Word of mouth marketing is the marketeers dream. Why? Because it is the cheapest form of mass marketing. Sound Branch as a digital marketing tool allows you to catalyse word of mouth marketing for your brand and what is more powerful than this?

Alternatively can download the app on the Apple App Store with the Android App coming soon.

Sound that Reaches the Heart of the Matter

We have all been talking only to be interrupted and lost our train of thought. Everyone does it from time to time  because we feel we have understood the point a person is making and respond before they have a chance to finish their sentence.

Ever been in a meeting and it is dominated by one person? The point of any meeting is to have the right people in the room and the collective contributions can solve any issue that, what can I contribute are presented. The domineering person doesn’t learn a lot when they talk for half an hour and does not listen. There must be a better way.

So what if we killed off the unnecessary interruptions and everyone had only 10 seconds to get to the point. This is what Sound Branch does. The advantages are profound. Gone is the dominating single voice who thinks they know it all. The single voice transforms into the wisdom of the crowd.

Imagine a conference call everyone can have their say in 7 second sound bites. People respond using audio clips and nobody needs to make meeting minutes as this is all stored online.

We all forget what we said 1 month ago or 2 months ago. This is natural for the human brain and we have short term and long term memory. Sound Branch means that your voice notes live on forever! Years from now you will be able to look back at a point in time and reflect. Sound Branch gives you authenticity of real voices of real people in real time.

Encouraging lively quick-fire conversation

Sound Branch is a new social media platform that uses audio as the primary way to make connections. The app allows users to record, post and listen to 10 second audio clips that branch out into conversations and beyond.

The platform encourages engagement and lively quick-fire conversation where ideas can be shared, stories can be told and everyone’s opinion can be heard.

With a simple, intuitive interface that enables users to build and find conversations on a limitless range of topics, Sound Branch, and it’s 10 second audio format, is a new and exciting way to share your voice notes with the world.
Sound Branch – the voice of the world in 10 seconds

Sound Branch – Say it in 10 seconds.

Infographic: Say it in 7 seconds

Below we present infographic which show what Soundbranch is and how its works.

Sound Branch infographic

Introducing Sound Branch – Audio Business Management App

Sound Branch, a new social media platform, offers a vibrant and efficient way of communicating within your organisation and out across the world allowing you to get to the heart of the matter quickly by cutting through the noise.

The platform utilises seven second audio clips to as the primary means of communication. This limitation promotes concise messaging and targeted talk which, in the world of business where time limitations are so keenly felt, can add value to your interactions, streamline your meetings and become an essential tool in an efficient workflow system.

Sound Branch offers and intuitive UI which enables the user to easily record and post seven second audio clips to individuals, groups or the world at large. Offering a more immediate and human alternative to text and email whilst simultaneously encouraging the user to put their point across with no extraneous information.

Sound Branch – Say it in 7 seconds.

Available now on the Apple App Store